MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 5 spoilers: The future for Ashley Rickards, cast
Tonight, we have to bid a fond farewell to “Awkward” season 4, which was by most measures a pretty up and down year for the show.
Rather than starting out negative, let’s start here by focusing a little on what the show really did a good job at: Telling the crazy story of Jenna Hamilton (Ashley Rickards), who has been through quite a bit. She remains a character who is easy to relate to, and that’s important. Meanwhile, Greer Grammer had her best season as Lissa, and the character really came into her own in the absence of Ming this season. Sadie was also still funny, though we preferred her romantic arc last season to the one that we had this time around.
As for what the series needs to work on a little bit, the biggest thing above all else is just trying to find a way to ensure that the show remains funny. This is a comedy after all, and there were many times this year when it became a little too predictable, and also mired in drama. We also thought that we would have a little more of Jenna finding herself rather than dealing with guys, but Matty was basically a huge part of the show, and her feelings, from start to finish. Also, there needs to be better storylines for Jake and Tamara!
The final season of “Awkward” is going to premiere at some point in the spring, and by the end of it, we imagine that Jenna’s time in high school is going to come to a close.
What do you want to see on the final season of “Awkward”? Share your thoughts now with a comment.
Concerned Awkward Fan
November 26, 2014 @ 2:19 pm
what i think sucks about this is that mtv is canceling after season 5 i mean i would kinda like to know how the whole mom prego, jenna’s love triangle, and college ends up after high school like for instance does jenna get with matty and does she end up going to college or does she put it on hold for your mom to be able to go since she is going to be a big sister? i just think there’s at least another 2 maybe 3 seasons if not they could do at least one extra season to show a little after high school you would think instead of leaving awkward fans hanging like that………………………..
November 26, 2014 @ 10:40 am
Jenna and Matty together forever!!!
November 26, 2014 @ 3:49 am
I really hope that Jenna and Matty end up together. I love them together. Please end it with them happy in love together.