‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Was Frankie, Derrick, or Victoria nominated?
The nomination ceremony was somewhat big today on “Big Brother 16,” but not so big that we’re jumping up and down with shock at the result. Since everyone is playing in the Power of Veto Competition, this is what really matters more than anything else.
At the end of the day (to borrow a phrase from the current Head of Household), Caleb decided to nominate Frankie and Victoria for eviction. This means that Derrick still has not gone up on the block at all this entire game, and he is fully on board with ensuring Frankie leaves the game. As for grading this move for Caleb, we’d give it a B. From one vantage point, Frankie probably would have kept him until the final three, but that would put Beast Mode Cowboy in a position where he had to defeat the two in the final HoH Competition to seal his fate. Derrick may have taken him over Frankie, but it would be a tough decision.
We’re still not sure if anyone would take Caleb to the end based on the people left, but he at least ups his chances of winning his way there with Frankie out. That is why this may be an okay move for him.
Everything depends on the Veto, and since Frankie won it last time, he’s probably going to be super-prepared and studying up a storm for it now, given that he knows that if he loses, he is most-likely going home with Derrick and Cody controlling his fate.
The one bad thing about this move for Derrick? If Frankie stays, he may not be so keen to take him to the final 2 anymore. He really better hope that someone other than Frankie finds a way to win.
To hear more information about that luxury competition earlier in the day, head over to the link here right now. You can also sign up in the event you want some further TV updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS
September 12, 2014 @ 12:53 am
This might be interesting.