‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The Head of Household, and was the button pushed?
We’re not wasting any time today when it comes to sharing big news from the “Big Brother 16” live feeds: There has officially been someone to push the button!
So who was it? Basically, it was all of them! They do not know what the button does, but they all had a feeling that it was something that they should be doing, mostly because they felt it was a sign that maybe America was not the biggest fans of their gameplay. (This is a very true statement.)
Also, Frankie is Head of Household … but does that even really matter? That’s something we are waiting for further clarification on. We are assuming that the twist with the “Rewind” means that everything will be replied, including the Head of Household. When Jeff and Jordan come in, this will probably a fun decoy since it will make the houseguests think that this is the twist when it’s not. Frankie is probably going to be very mad to learn that this HoH reign really means nothing.
This is going to be a very interesting week, but we’re still debating whether or not it is actually going to be particularly good or not. It’s just hard to be excited when you know everything is going to be useless, and the only drama could come from who is stuck on the block with Victoria at the time the end of the week rolls around. (It’s going to be an awful twist if by some miracle Victoria actually wins the Veto and would have been safe.)
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Photo: CBS
September 5, 2014 @ 12:59 pm
So we’ve been waiting for weeks for them to Finally turn on each other and nothing will come of it. How exciting. Not!!!!!
September 5, 2014 @ 6:03 am
Victoria win a veto (without someone handing it to her)?! Pigs will fly before that ever happens.