‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Double eviction speculation; Head of Household possibilities
With tonight being the most exciting thing on “Big Brother 16” in many weeks, we want to do our best right now to give you a sort of comprehensive guide to what you can expect. With that in mind, welcome to our double-eviction preview article!
Ultimately, our goal here is a pretty simple one: To chart out what could happen depending on who wins Head of Household, and also then who wins the Veto. It’s basically a given that Nicole will be leaving first, so let’s just forget about that for the remainder of this article.
If Frankie wins Head of Household – Christine and Victoria are the most likely nominees, but don’t complete write off Cody as a backdoor candidate. He has to know that Caleb thinking about backdooring him did not come out of thin air.
If Christine wins – Frankie and Derrick could be the nominees, and we feel like this is the only real possibility that Derrick has of going home is if he ends up on the block with Caleb at the time voting happens. Christine’s not nominating Cody, and Victoria would be a waste of her time.
If Victoria wins – If this actually happens, she puts up Frankie and Christine / Caleb. Either Frankie or Christine ends up going home.
If Derrick wins – Christine and Victoria are the likely nominees, and then he gets rid of Christine if she loses the Veto. If she wins, Derrick may actually have to get rid of Victoria to avoid looking suspicious with the others.
If Cody wins – We could see Frankie and Victoria being the nominees, or maybe Frankie and Caleb. He’ll have a hard time putting up Christine, but Derrick is for sure safe.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, Derrick once again is our Player of the Week. It has become very redundant giving this award away this season given that he’s about a 10 surrounded by 5s when it comes to good gameplay.
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Photo: CBS