‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Could the tide be turning for Donny?
At first, we were starting to think that this was going to be a very predictable week in the “Big Brother 16” house, but for the time being, we’re really not that sure anymore.
It’s almost ironic in a way that the person most of America (or at least live feeders) have loathed as of late could be the reason why someone so beloved stays: Frankie. He is so concerned about Team America that he feels like it would be a mistake to get rid of someone America loves as badly as they do Donny. He always feels like he was chosen for a reason, and that is because he is so beloved.
Of course, Frankie also has another big ulterior motive here in that he knows that if Donny was in power, he probably wouldn’t be the target. Also, he hates Nicole. She nominated him, and he has already said some really terrible names about her that are far worse than what almost anyone else has said on the show this season. He wants her gone, and may fight for it.
In the end, we imagine that this is going to be a decision that wages a little bit, and at least it’s more interesting drama than what else is going on … namely Victoria getting jealous about the time that Derrick is spending with Christine. Hopefully, there’ll be more to share on this over the coming days, including if Frankie can actually get anyone else on board with this fully.
You see? This is what being concerned about America can do! We love Donny, but it’s a much smarter move to get rid of him.
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Photo: CBS