‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Head of Household speculation; player of the week
This is the last “Big Brother 16” live feed update before the start of Thursday night’s live eviction show, and with it, we’ll start by speculating over one big question: Is there an endurance Head of Household Competition tonight?
Based on the evidence that we’ve seen, our answer to that is “no.” The houseguests, in their brief period of time that the feeds were on tonight, seemed to be getting ready for the show like they were going to have a less-intense challenge tonight like a Q&A session. Also, it would be hard to feasibly make endurance happen from an editing standpoint, since it would make Sunday’s show feature that, the Battle of the Block, and nominations. That’s a lot in one show. (Update: The HoH competition tonight is not traditional endurance, but it’s still going on and you can get live updates here!)
Our logical guess based on past seasons is that next week will end this twist as presently constituted, and we will return to the “Big Brother” of old where there is only one HoH and no Battle of the Block. Also, this will probably be followed by our first lengthy endurance competition of the season.
Player of the Week – There were a couple of candidates this week, but we’re once again going to go with a favorite in Christine. While Derrick probably put a target on him by winning HoH when he didn’t need to, she continues to have her eggs in all baskets without making it as obvious as Frankie. She’s got the new, five-person Detonators alliance with Cody, Zach, Derrick, and Frankie, and then also her “real” alliance with Hayden and Nicole. She’s almost covered on all sides even if someone like Donny (the only person with her on the radar) ends up winning power for the week.
A good secondary candidate here would be Cody, but he does still have Caleb possibly targeting him just over this whole Amber fiasco, which is getting stranger and stranger with each passing day.
Tonight, we’ll have our review of the live show up here, which is where you can also check out all of our feed updates and more. For other TV updates sent right to your email, we suggest signing up today for our CarterMatt Newsletter!
Photo: FX