‘Survivor: Cagayan’ episode 12 preview: ‘Chaos Kass’ supposedly returns

Kass -This has been one of the best “Survivor” seasons that we’ve had in quite a long time, so it should only be appropriate that the final five episode Wednesday is one of the best of its kind. How often could you say that just about every person left could be voted out? The only person who is for-sure safe right now is Tony, thanks to him having his two idols in his possession moving into what should be the last opportunities that he has to play them.

It appears that the fighting between Trish, Tony, and Kass is going to come to a boil next week, which causes the ol’ character known as “Chaos Kass” to come out and make a deal with Spencer and Woo. We understand that Kass likes to mix things up, and that is pretty fun to watch sometimes; but, who in their right mind would think that partering with Spencer is a good move right now? The guy wins without argument if he is at the end of the game. Nobody comes close to him, and he can even claim that he totally manipulated Tony into keeping him around. If we were Kass, our move would be to wait until final four, and then find a way to sell Woo and Trish on a plan to get rid of him to further the odds of all of them winning.

If we were in the shoes of Tony, our next move would be pretty easy to figure out: If you want to ensure that both you and Trish stay in the game, just give her the idol, and then cast your two votes towards Spencer or Kass, provided Spencer wins immunity. It guarantees zero funny business, and someone goes home that you want to go home.

The only thing that we’d be worried about right now is Spencer’s challenge prowess, which is why we would keep Woo around. He’s not going to win the game, but he can beat Spencer at some of these physical tasks.

You can prepare for Wednesday’s “Survivor” further by clicking here, and getting our interview with the recently-eliminated Tasha Fox. Also, be sure to sign up for further news via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: CBS

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