‘The Blacklist’ episode 19 preview: The other story of ‘The Pavlovich Brothers’
On Monday night, the long hiatus for “The Blacklist” will be over, and we now have a few details of what will be coming up on “The Pavlovich Brothers.” For those seeking answers, it’s going to be very nice to know a few more details pertaining to Liz and Tom’s relationship … with the most important one of course being who this guy really is.
Also, you’re going to have another standalone plot about a Blaklister, and that is really what the focus of this article is. There will be some cooperation between the FBI and the CIA this week, as the latter organization brings a Chinese scientist to the United States and attempts to debrief her. Unfortunately, she is eventually extracted by the Pavlovlich Brothers, which is why they are the title of this episode. As for who they are, they are a notorious team known for extracting criminals. Whether or not they are actually brothers is still something that remains to be fully seen.
By the end of this episode, you are not probably going to know everything about Tom, Red, or what Liz wants to do to sort out her life … but you probably are not meant to. There are still four episodes left, and this will be a progressive journey towards the shocking end to the first season. There will still be some standalone stories along the way, and we just have to hope that they will have a particular amount of relevance, and won’t be too distracting from everything else that is going on.
Photo: NBC
Bradley Plunk
April 21, 2014 @ 4:35 pm
Easily my favorite new series of the season. I consider it can’t miss television.
Fred A.
April 21, 2014 @ 3:07 pm
This show is all right in my book…