‘Once Upon a Time’ season 3, episode 11 video: Will Peter Pan get his old body back?
Has the plan changed for Peter Pan on Sunday’s “Once Upon a Time” winter finale? It seems so. Rather than just being happy with taking over Storybrooke and finding a way to wipe away everyone’s memories, Peter Pan has decided that he would rather do something else very specific: Get his revenge by literally killing everyone. What better way to really get at Rumpelstiltskin other than take from him everything that he loves?
In the sneak peek video below, you can get an idea of what we’re talking about here as Peter Pan, somehow with his old body back, performs the traditional super-villain monologue while Rumpelstiltskin looks on with horror. Pan clearly has a few more tricks up his sleeve, including a literal sleeve that he can put on to keep him from using magic. Without that, it has already been rather established that Rumpelstiltskin is not someone who has much of a use in battle.
While things may be looking very grim at the moment for Rumple and the rest of the good guys (and whoever thought we’d be including Robert Carlyle’s character in there), we still have a hard time imagining than Pan comes out of this victorious. There is another villain coming in the spring played by “Lost” alum Rebecca Mader, though there is not that much known about her just yet. But don’t worry: Word on the street is that her identity is actually going to be revealed in a promo that airs upon the conclusion of the episode.
If this is the end for Peter Pan, then hats off to Robbie Kay for delivering a great performance as a young actor. If there is more of him down the road, we look forward to seeing what comes from that.
Is there anything that you want to see take place in Sunday night’s episode? Just be sure to share your own predictions below!
Photo: ABC