ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 3 spoilers: A surprise visitor from Aiden’s past

The latest -Have you felt in need of some more Aiden scoop? Well, the super-mysterious man from ABC’s “Revenge” has some interesting stories coming up, including one where you have a little bit more of an opportunity to learn who he was prior to arriving in the Hamptons, and lending Emily Thorne a helping hand. After all, you do have to assume that at some point, this guy was relatively normal, and not some sort of killer / master of espionage / Hamptons James Bond that he has been presented as lately.

Per E! News, there is going to be a new female character coming up this season named Niko, who is described as “gorgeous” and has some sort of a past with Barry Sloane’s character. As for the reason for the reunion, it has something to do with a character (not necessarily Aiden) being in the hospital after a shooting.

While we appreciate the idea of “Revenge” trying to take back the name Niko to mean something other than the main character in “Grand Theft Auto IV,” we’re still skeptical about one little detail here: Why does every single character on this show have to be described with the word “gorgeous”? ABC’s Sunday-night lineup has at times become obsessed with superficiality, or at least shows not named “Once Upon a Time.” Also, we hope that this story serves a purpose beyond just seeing a few scenes in the hospital. We want to see Aiden face an obstacle for a change that actually has to do with Aiden, and not just one of the other characters on the show that has been around longer than him.

Right now, the man’s status is in some ways a mystery. While he does appear to be working with Emily Thorne for the time being, he has a history of being able to color outside the lines a little bit. Eventually, this may be the sort of thing that lands him in trouble, but it has not quite happened to him just yet.

If you do want to check out some more “Revenge” season 3 news, just click here to see some more pertaining to how Emily and Nolan are going to be at odds moving forward into the rest of the season.

Photo: ABC

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