‘Big Brother 15’ finale: What did Nick Uhas say about GinaMarie Zimmerman?

Nick -At the end of last night’s “Big Brother 15” finale, we quickly moved into the backyard interviews. And let’s face it: Everyone wanted to hear what Nick Uhas had to say to Jeff Schroeder.

First of all, Jeff called Nick “Nick Utas,” which Nick was too nice to correct him on. But this interview, ultimately, was blander than some dry oatmeal. Most of the questions were not even about his relationship with GinaMarie Zimmerman, and when he finally got around to the question about what he felt about her, he started to talk really fast and get nervous. If we are to read between the lines here, the way we took this was simply that he is going to take her on a monster truck date and he cares about her, but it doesn’t seem like his interest level is that high.

But we have to give Nick some serious credit here for the way that he has handled the press over the past several weeks. He could have been very mean and dogpiled GM in the same way that many other people online did, but he really seemed nice and is not interested in being like most of the other houseguests and saying mean things. This is probably one of the reasons why we honestly wish that there was so much more Nick on the show than what we ended up seeing. He could have made it much further in the season, as his biggest flaw in the game was simply not being open and honest enough.

If you do want to read some more news from the “Big Brother” finale, just be sure to click here.

Photo: CBS

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