‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: What happened last night

Moving on -Out of the 24 hours that were in the day yesterday, the “Big Brother 15” houseguests were probably asleep or in bed for around 12 of them. They did not really get up and moving until close to 4:00 p.m. Pacific time, and they were back in bed at around 2:00 in the morning. If that is not an indication that they are just waiting for this to be over, we don’t know what is.

One of the only real “highlights” of the night was Spencer putting a sheet on his head and saying that he is Aaryn every other weekend, which is basically what people with PhotoShop have been doing since the start of the season. Of course, Spencer is not exactly doing that much better right now in the public eye, courtesy of some of the awful things that he said.

While these houseguests are all sleeping the day away, there is a part of us that wonders whether or not CBS could change things up for the finale and show these people just what the world thinks of them … but they probably won’t for a pretty simple reason in that there’s no real need for them to at that point. Following Wednesday night, these people are going to be thrown to the wolves, and they no longer have to worry at all about anything being their responsibility. They may just let these people get out of the house, and then have the press eat them alive. Trust us, we’re going to be there for every single bit of coverage that there is for the interviews that take place after the finale, just to hear what the houseguests have to say for themselves.

While it’s hard to really read intentions, right now we assume that Spencer will for sure make the final two regardless of who wins the Head of Household Competition Wednesday, and that either of the other two will win. Basically, it’s a 50-50 shot between Andy and GinaMarie, unless you subscribe to the belief that he is better-equipped to answer questions. While this is probably true, don’t write GM off.

Since this is going to be a pretty boring day on the live feeds, come back later for what is going to be the first of a few all-star cast lists that we discuss for “Big Brother 16.” As for some other scoop related to the show, just be sure to click here.

Photo: CBS

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