‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Official nominations, and alternating reassurances

The latest -As we teased a little bit earlier in the day, this is not exactly going to be a thrilling final few weeks in the “Big Brother 15” house. We know who the people are in power, and while you may not like McCranda as a couple, the only real hope that we have for this season being interesting at this point is the prospect of seeing McCrae in the game beyond this week. We need an underdog, and at the moment, he is definitely that.

Spencer’s nominations came out tonight, and they were exactly as predicted, with both McCrae and GinaMarie both on the block. We do wonder at this point whether or not GM is fully aware that she is a 4th in the Exterminators alliance, given that she has been put up here over people in Andy and Judd who have not been on the block nearly as often. She and McCrae have talked about teaming up, but that’s too small of an alliance to matter. Only one of them will vote this week if they win the Veto.

As for other deals, the Spencer / Andy/Judd trio has worked hard to make it seem to each person on the block that they have their back, but given the way that Judd voted last time to evict Amanda, McCrae has to realize that this is not entirely true. He will fight hard to win the Power of Veto, and we even imagine that he will probably win it given the level of players left. He’s definitely capable of dominating almost any challenge, even if he only has three wins.

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Photo: CBS

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