‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Updates on Andy and Spencer’s strategy session

The latest -Having only five people left in the “Big Brother” house right now is both depressing and boring. Even though you may not like Elissa, her presence at least kept some people on their toes. Heck, even Amanda brought welcome drama when she wasn’t making racial remarks. Now, we’re left with a group of people whose primary hobby seems to be sleeping, and with McCrae wandering around chained to GinaMarie (a punishment from last night’s Head of Household Competition) and acting like a sad puppy dog who misses his owner.

While these two and Judd slept this afternoon, we at least had an interesting conversation between HoH Spencer and Andy where they tried to plot out their future. While they clearly want McCrae to go next, they are also trying to think about what happens if he wins the Veto. They believe that he would vote to keep Judd over GinaMarie, and they could be okay with keeping him since they figure he is beatable. Based on what we’ve seen, though, they prefer GM since she is easier to control.

In the end, they think that they can beat any of the other three players in a jury argument for the following reasons:

1. McCrae – Seen as a puppet controlled by Amanda all season long.

2. Judd – Brought back into the game thanks to a twist, and really hasn’t made any major move outside of getting in an alliance.

3. GinaMarie – Has little blood on her hands, but was clueless most of the time about what was really going on.

We agree with some, but not all of this. If McCrae wins out and gets to the end, he deserves a ton of votes. Judd could be a good alternative to Andy if the jury is bitter, and we think that GM could beat Spencer since so many people feel like he did nothing all game outside of act “shady.” Andy probably has made the best moves and deserves to win by that logic if he makes it there, but he seems to have forgotten that people do not like being lied to and humiliated in front of America. Just ask Dan Gheesling how this worked out for him last year, even though he played a brilliant game until the jury showed up with pouty faces.

Want to read more “Big Brother 15” news? Then click here, where you can see other updates and also an article all about possibilities for next season.

Photo: CBS

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