‘Big Brother 15’ life feed spoilers: Amanda at Andy’s mercy before double-eviction

The latest -In a matter of just mere minutes now, the “Big Brother 15” live eviction so is going to be upon us, but unlike most other shows over the past several weeks, we cannot say here with 100% certainty what is going to happen.

If we were to put it into percentages, then we would say that there is around a 90% chance that we see Amanda eliminated from the game this week. The only reason that we’re making it this high is because Andy is a pretty convincing liar, and maybe there is some sort of elaborate ruse going on. We just wonder if he realizes in his head how screwed Elissa has made him by agreeing to flip. We don’t know how much credit we can really give her, but it would be brilliant of her of this was just all a ploy to make sure that Andy is found out as a rat and loses jury votes. He definitely will lose Amanda and McCrae if he votes them out tonight, and while it will make for an epic blindside, he would have benefited more from telling them in advance that he had flipped. No one likes to be embarrassed on national TV.

In the brief time that the feeds were up this afternoon, there was not anything that gave us a real indication as to a change in the plan. Judd told Amanda that he was “thinking” of voting out Spencer, but we think he just did that to make himself look a little less than 100% against her. Elissa did also tell Judd that she plans on nominating Andy and GinaMarie if she wins Head of Household, which confirms most of what we’ve heard about her already.

If you want to read some more news from the “Big Brother” live feeds, including our full breakdown of the Head of Household possibilities tonight, just be sure to click here.

Photo: CBS

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