‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Mapping out Head of Household possibilities

The latest -While we sift through some of the standard-operating procedures for “Big Brother 15” tonight prior to the start of their double-eviction show, we thought it would be smart to map out all of the information that we know right now on what happens after the first eviction tonight. With this in mind, we are going to go based on the assumption that Amanda is in fact evicted in a 2-2 tie, with GinaMarie acting as the deciding vote.

If McCrae wins – Based on events from the past couple of days, GinaMarie will be going up for sure along with whoever he believes to have been the Judas of tonight’s eviction. Therefore, either Elissa or Andy. We’d bet more on Andy, given that he is already suspicious of him and feels like Elissa is being genuine with the rings. Judd would probably be a replacement nominee. If GM / any other Exterminator is up on the block, she will be voted out.

If Elissa wins – Another interesting situation. Andy is a lock to go up and will be her #1 target, even to the point where she’d just stick Spencer up there in hopes of ensuring that the person she wants to go home does. GM would probably be her replacement nominee, even though her and Judd did have a dust-up yesterday.

If and member of the Exterminators wins – Expect to see McCrae / Elissa on the block easily, with Spencer probably being the replacement nominee. If he is Head of Household, GM may go up. The major target here is Elissa, mostly because Andy wants her gone from this game.

There’s not actually anyone we would presume to be 100% safe tonight. If Spencer makes it through the first vote (which he should), he is probably the closest thing. McCrae and Elissa are statistically in the worst trouble, followed probably by GinaMarie and then Andy. The only way we see someone like Judd going is if he is on the block against Andy, and we can’t see there being one of him versus Spencer.

Want to read some more updates from the “Big Brother 15” live feed? Then just be sure to visit the link here, and we will have some more news to share soon.

Photo: CBS

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