‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Updates on Amanda and McCrae, Andy as traitor

The latest -Tonight’s “Big Brother 15” is setting up to be an epic hour of entertainment, in between two evictions and the chance for major drama with both of them. We also had a major alliance change over the past 72 hours, and an explosive fight between Amanda and GinaMarie last night that made us wonder whether or not McCranda would be over when McCrae didn’t stand up for her.

At the end of the day, though, the two appear to be fine moving into tonight’s eviction and are on the same page again. They have an opportunity to enjoy their last evening in the house together, knowing full well that there could be something insane that happens on Thursday to keep their plan from working.

As for whether or not they see this plan coming, McCrae at least seems to think so. He is starting to be extremely wary of Andy, and at this point trusts Elissa more so than he does him. Amanda does not necessarily agree, which is what could make tonight all the more interesting. Amanda needs to realize on her way out the door who it was that betrayed her, and then blow up their game.

Elsewhere last night, there was a bit of a minor scuffle when Judd told Elissa to “shut the f*** up” when she was being noisy, and she got extremely offended by it and stormed around the house until he tried to explain it away as joking. This is not something that really matters at all, though, given that we know these two are probably on opposite sides at this point, anyway.

If you want to check out some more news from the “Big Brother” live feeds, we suggest just heading on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS

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