‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: The Exterminators meet, and more nastiness ensues

The latest -Has there really been a season of “Big Brother” as ugly as this one? We really can’t think of it. We remember last year there being some pretty funny conversations and stories about the outside world, but this year, it really feels like all these people do is just sit around and talk smack about each other, and how they all hate certain things about each people, curse, and act really stupid. We want to just unleash some smack talk of our own about how terrible most of them are, but then we’re just stooping to their level.

The big things to know from tonight is that the Exterminators met again in various forms, and all confirmed once again that the plan is in place to backdoor Amanda, and have her walk out the door with Andy’s organ shirt and Elissa’s rings in tow just to make it all the more awful. We don’t know if Andy will be able to hide his vote, but we’re sure that we will try.

The plan for the group is to pull Elissa aside and tell her before the double-eviction that McCrae wants to form a guys’ alliance, that way he is targeted if she wins Head of Household. We suppose a little effort is better than nothing, but this is still a pretty stupid plan. We don’t even know why they are even going to bother; she will know that Andy was the vote to send Amanda home, and will go after him. (We just never thought we’d be talking about Amanda and Elissa working together. Bizarre world, huh?)

Also, the Exterminators claim that they don’t want to hug Elissa as she leaves the game. Classy. Elissa may not always be the nicest person in the world, but she’s a saint compared to some of these people. The worst thing she is passive-aggressive at times, but outside of the house she’s probably far nicer and less delusional than most of these people.

If you want to read about how Elissa and Amanda came to work together and more, just check out all of our updates either here, or in the attached sidebar.

Photo: CBS

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