‘Big Brother 15′ live feed spoilers: Elissa’s ring, Aaryn Gries’ mom, and conspiracy updates

The latest -This is turning out to be quite a strange week in the “Big Brother 15” house, isn’t it? If there was one person that we never expected in a million years to try and flip the house this week, it’d be Elissa Slater. She is the woman who took Amanda’s comments so personally last week, and was ready to send her packing with a giant smile on her face.

Flash-forward, and she is actually acting like she really wants to spare her. We were not so sure what her intentions were last night, but today, she actually gave Amanda a real diamond ring as collateral that she would have the vote to stick around. Maybe this is all just a further trick to humiliate Amanda come Thursday, and she’ll ask for the ring back after she goes home, or maybe Elissa is thinking more in terms of long-term game. Spencer will look like a moron for volunteering to be a pawn, and will also be a very surprise member of the jury.

This plan does all still teeter around one person in Andy, since Elissa has put him, perhaps purposefully, in a spot where he has to expose himself and pick a side. We don’t know if it was intentional or not, but she has basically blown up his entire game with this move. If he votes to keep Amanda, the Exterminators will know he’s a traitor; if he votes to evict her, she will know. His head is now the most important one to read the next couple of days, since he is now in the last position that he ever wanted to be in.

Aaryn’s mom – Let’s take a brief detour from the house for a second, though, to talk about the comments that Aaryn Gries’ mother Elizabeth Owens, who has been silent to this point, has given to the Los Angeles Times about her daughter.

First of all, she claims that Aaryn went to prom with an African-American, dated a guy of Cuban-American heritage, and has some cousins who have Japanese ancestors who she loves “very much.” While she does not condone the comments her daughter made, she said that CBS and Julie Chen used her as a publicity stunt in order to boost ratings without regard for anything else. We already know that Aaryn is the poster child for bad behavior this season, and to be honest, the only issue that we have here is that many of the other houseguests could be given a pass because Aaryn was the only one really targeted.

Finally, Aaryn’s mom made this comment, which really helps to explain more of why she decided not to sign a waiver for the show:

“While I love and continue to support my daughter Aaryn, words cannot describe my disappointment in some of her comments made on ‘Big Brother.’ These inappropriate comments certainly do not represent the value system under which her father and I have raised her.”

Therefore, she’s admonishing herself of the blame. Clearly, Owens was embarrassed, since even GinaMarie’s mom was still willing to send in letters after her racist comments were public.

Conspiracies! – Since we’re not done with that yet, word is spreading now in the house that production somehow planted Elissa’s idea in her brain since it came almost out of nowhere. We don’t believe that; we think of it more like she may have just figured out while inside of a DR session that working with Amanda may be her best way to stay in the game longer.

If you want to read some more news when it comes to “Big Brother 15,” especially when it comes to some of how this plan came together, be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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