‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Why Andy is a brilliant man, and Elissa is in trouble

The latest -Some of the guys on “Big Brother 15” are at the moment playing with a little bit of fire, and it reminds us somewhat of what happened back two years ago when a certain Rachel Reilly managed to stun many by winning “Big Brother 13.” When Brendon was evicted, nobody felt the need to take her out, despite her being a major competition threat, simply because they felt like she was alone and not a major threat to anyone’s game.

Now, we could end up actually seeing McCrae play out as the new Rachel. Andy is proving himself to be quite the little mastermind, and he and Spencer updated a conversation from yesterday this afternoon where they seem to be heavily considering, if not hoping, to get Elissa out of the game before they cut out McCrae. Both of the remaining girls in the soon-to-be final six (assuming Amanda leaves) could be in trouble, but Andy wants to get rid of the one person who is for sure onto what he is doing, and is going to get them out sooner rather than later.

Here is how good Andy has it right now: He’s got a good endgame deal with Spencer, and he and McCrae have been in an alliance for practically forever, and one that he still may be able to claim as his own since GinaMarie put McCranda on the block. If Elissa goes, who is going to target Andy right away? Nobody. He’s in a much better position to make the final two than a couple of weeks ago, where he was not going to get by McCranda or Helen / Elissa. If he wins this game, he easily becomes the best player to employ this sort of strategy since Jun Song. We’re not saying that he’s the best winner since her, but the two have a good many similarities in how they played using intelligence and social skills as tools in their arsenals.

One final thing about Andy: Even his little move to put personal belongings in every room, that way he can travel from place to place without question, is brilliant.

So as of right now, we expect to see a final five of four guys and GinaMarie, and then with McCrae and Judd each leaving in succession unless some people win competitions. But Andy is smart to hitch his wagon at this point to Spencer, knowing that there is no way this guy wins half a million bucks.

If you want to check out some more “Big Brother 15” updates, be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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