‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Updates on the Veto Ceremony, did Spencer make history?

The latest -The Power of Veto Ceremony took place late this morning on “Big Brother 15,” though the results are almost identical to what you were expecting going into it.

First of all, McCrae used the Veto on himself in what was one of the most bittersweet moments for his game so far. He gets to stick around in the house for another week and fight for his life, but at the same time, him deciding to save himself means that he is sending home his only ally and showmance partner in the game. He has repeatedly apologized to Amanda since, and we think from that standpoint she understands that he has a better shot of winning the game, and this has been his dream to be a part of the show for many years now.

As for who was nominated, the easy assumption based on McCranda’s behavior is that Spencer is on the block, and will probably stick around yet again without a problem. If he is in fact up, this means that he has broken the show’s record for the most times that a single houseguest has been nominated in a single season. It’s a little bit of a dubious honor that he is so expendable to many people, but at the same time, isn’t it kind of a bizarre achievement? He’s managed to stay week after week, which shows that he is at least good at not being a threat. We just wonder if he is running out of things to say during some of his speeches.

We don’t really know if there will be any campaigning from here on out, given that this is more or less proof that Amanda is leaving the game. Nobody is going to be so desperate to remove Spencer, who is almost assured at this point of at least third place.

If you want to read some more news from “Big Brother 15,” our advice is to just head on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS

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