‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Updates on Andy, Spencer, McCrae, and more

The latest -There is no major event going down tonight on the “Big Brother 15” live feeds, at least if you consider the definition of a “major event” to be some sort of fight that causes a ton of drama and ends up on the live feeds.

The only major interesting thing is that McCrae is already trying to cover his own hide somewhat for this coming week, and that includes trying to bond with Andy and Spencer in an attempt to get out Elissa. They claim that she is their #1 target at this point in time, but we don’t really buy it. We’ve heard them both say that McCrae has burned too many bridges more or less, and will be out first.

As of this writing, GinaMarie still has not announced who she is going to put on the block as a replacement nominee, which she previously said that she was going to do. The #1 candidate is Spencer by a mile, but she is thinking about just telling McCranda for now that it will be Elissa. While she may be upset over Nick a long time ago, she realizes that breaking up the power couple is a heck of a more important move at this stage in the game.

We expect there to be more scheming later tonight by Amanda in an attempt to stick around, which will probably include more bipolar tears / intimidation. We do actually think the latter can be a legitimate strategy if it’s done right (as Mike Boogie or Evel Dick have successfully done). However, you have to be able to back up your threats with something, and Amanda really can’t do that in the game. There’s also a difference between intimidating in the game and personal attacks, and the latter is probably why she will be grilled by Julie Chen Thursday night in the same way that Aaryn was. It could be a much more entertaining interview, as well, given that Amanda is far less likely to just sit there and act defensive.

We’ve got all sorts of “Big Brother” updates as always at the link here, including our most-recent episode review. In addition to that, take a look at the attached sidebar for more.

Photo: CBS

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