‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Nominations, and does the McCranda circus begin?

The latest -For just about a full day now, there has been one thing that we have been beyond excited to see above anything else on the “Big Brother 15” live feeds: Would the Head of Household have the guts to actually make the biggest move of the season? This was the time to  get Amanda or McCrae out if you wanted to keep them from winning the game.

In the end, GinaMarie actually went through with the plan set up by the Exterminators alliance: Amanda and McCrae are each on the block, which means for sure that one of them is going to be leaving the game on Thursday if the current plans holds, barring some sort of insane twist that would drive fans nuts.

The biggest surprise to us in the early going was simply that for the first few minutes, both Amanda and McCrae were taking this pretty well by their standards. There was no screaming, crying, or anything of the sort.

Then, everything started to hit the fan. Amanda stormed up to the HoH room and made a series of heated accusations, and actually tried to act like she was not trying to get GM out of the house last week. Amanda tried to also talk down to her and act like she was being stupid for not putting up Elissa, mostly because she put up Nick ages ago. For one, Amanda had a hand in that; also, GM was smart enough to say that she is not making moves based on the start of the game. She is making moves for herself now. That is the sort of rational strategy that we never thought would come from her, and Nick would probably actually be happy to see it. We’re not big GinaMarie fans for obvious reasons, but there’s little doubt that she is making the best move for herself this week.

If you want to check out some more news from the “Big Brother 15” live feed today, just be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: CBS

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