‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: The unusual announcement; still waiting on the Veto

Moving on -It looks like we’re going to have a nighttime competition on “Big Brother 15,” or at least one that takes place in the late afternoon. After all, it is almost 5:30 Big Brother Time, and there is still no word on when this competition is actually going to be played. If we are seeing the return of the Zingbot, they may be waiting until the evening in order to prevent future heatstroke for whoever has to wear the top-heavy costume. It’s also possible that there is no Zingbot this year, which would be pretty sad given how badly we all want these people to be zinged.

Thanks to the wait, though, houseguests are getting paranoid, and there was a rather bizarre announcement from Big Brother itself that suggests to us that the upcoming competition is something that we haven’t quite seen before in the game:

“Houseguests, remember to enjoy yourselves. These are the good ol’ days.”

Maybe this was just Big Brother intentionally trying to stir the pot, or who knows? Maybe they want to see them stop being so negative and bashing each other all of the time. Given just how little information they are given, anything could happen.

Save for Helen trying to prepare herself for any competition under the sun today, there is not much action happening in the game right now. Our guess is that the competition will start soon, and the winner will be announced when “After Dark” starts at around 1:00 a.m. at the latest. Unless they just use footage from earlier today from TVGN, they have to have something to put on there.

We’ll have more updates and highlights from whatever else happens here, which of course just so happens to also be where we have our updates from everything else that has transpired so far.

Photo: CBS

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