‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Amanda’s anti-Helen plan

The latest -We don’t know how it has necessarily worked this far in the “Big Brother 15” game, but we have a strategy from one Amanda Zuckerman that is as follows: She gets some sort of bug in her head that X person must leave the game, and then she remains transfixed on it until it happens. She was a force in getting rid of David and Nick, sure, but it was really the Howard and Judd evictions that we saw this play out to the largest degree.

But who is she after now? Helen, and this could be her biggest mistake in the game depending on if she doesn’t play it right. Speaking to McCrae last night in between things that we don’t want to mention here, she tried to convince him to help her push a “backdoor Helen” plan to Andy if either Spencer or Jessie wins the Veto today. He wasn’t so keen to buy it for this week, but does at least believe still that she and Aaryn (a proven competition threat at this point) need to be taken out.

The issue with getting rid of Helen at this stage of the game is that if she does this then there is no one to take away some of the heat from Amanda. There’s almost an argument to be made that she would be better off going to the final six with Helen and Elissa (another pair) with Andy and someone else other than Aaryn thrown in there. That way, there isn’t really much time for the other houseguests to rise against them, and Helen’s hardly a competition threat. (Then again, neither is Amanda.)

The other major event from the night was just a continued effort to try to convince Jessie to not play hard in the Veto, reinforcing her safety despite her being on the block for three straight occasions. Jessie says that she’s not too stressed about it, so maybe that plan is shockingly working?

If you want to read all of our other “Big Brother” updates, you know the drill by now: You can hit up the link here for some, and we have more news in the sidebar to the right!

Photo: CBS

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