‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Kaitlin, meet oblivion

KaitlinAllow this to serve as a future guide to all “Big Brother” contestants. Even if you are not a fan of the show, and even if you are approached about joining the game a week before you are put into sequester, spend that week doing your homework. Otherwise, you come across like an idiot not just to the people watching the live feeds, but to your fellow contestants. Heck, you’ll even watch the show back later and comment on what an idiot you were.

This is the situation that Kaitlin has herself in, where her completely inability to follow a simple rule will have her going out the door Thursday: If you are on the block, and there’s a chance you are going out the door Thursday night, you always campaign. One of the reasons why this week is so boring is because she said this afternoon that she has no interest in pushing anyone since they all told her that she was safe. Of course they did. It’s a game, and they will never tell you that you are going home even if it is with 100% certainly.

This is probably why Kaitlin is going home; Aaryn may be a racist and a terrible person, but it is clear that she has at least seen enough “Big Brother” to know that you want to look like as small of a threat as possible. Her defeatist attitude is something that the other players flock to, since nobody wants to work with someone who believes that they are a threat, and acts like they want to be there more. This isn’t the “reward the better person” game; if it was, Aaryn would not have even made it on the show in the first place.

The good news for Kaitlin? She’ll get an opportunity to talk with Jeremy soon, and the two can sit around and argue in oblivion over how the game is unfair, and nothing was handed to them on a silver platter because they can win competitions.

Photo: CBS

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