‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: The Elissa Slater panic hour

ElissaThe Power of Veto Competition is currently being played in the “Big Brother 15” house, and while we will have results for you on that a little while later this afternoon, for now, there is something else definitely worth talking about: The pure insanity that erupted following the shocking information today that Elissa Slater, supposed fan favorite to many, is now on the block thanks to the MVP nomination.

What we wanted to do here is compile some of the craziest reactions to this news that we have heard, and the only “consensus” that there seems to be about the twist right now is that it America was not voting the way they were told, since they would have never put her in this situation.

Theory #1 – Aaryn did it, but even she told Elissa that she would not be dumb enough to put her up.

Theory #2 – Amanda or McCrae did it, even though they have an alliance with her in the Knockouts right now.

Theory #3 – Howard did it, mostly because it is easy to blame Howard for doing shady things in the house.

Theory #4 – Kaitlin did it, because Candice thinks so and Candice was right about one thing already this season in the Moving Company.

Theory #5 – This one is the most entertaining and thoughtful. Elissa MVP-nominated herself, thinking that it would get attention off of herself. McCrae seems to think that this is possible, and multiple people have asked the DR about this and you can put yourself up on the block.

Regardless of this theory, this does turn out to be a Veto that Elissa probably needs to win. While she would probably not be going home if she stays on the block (that honor instead will thankfully go to Aaryn), she needs the security, and McCrae already told her that he won’t take her off if he wins (fearing that Amanda would be the replacement). We also don’t know if Judd would do anything so that there was someone else targeting you in the game.

If you do want to read some more updates from the world of “Big Brother 15,” our advice for you is to head on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS

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