The Rookie season 7 episode 5: Is Jason Wyler dead?

We knew entering The Rookie season 7 episode 5 that we were probably going to see some sort of appearance from Jason Wyler. We did not want exactly want the guy around anymore, but he seemed to be intent on terrorizing Bailey whenever he could.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what we saw for the bulk of this episode, including capturing her at one point. It did feel for at least a brief part of the episode like she could actually die, though that proved to not be the case.
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The good news for Bailey is she did eventually manage to get free. The other good news? Well, Jason was shot and with that, he’s dead and out of her life for good. Bailey can breathe for the first time in a while. Malvado is the one who ended up taking him out, and now, could we actually have a new storyline for Bailey? At the very least, we hope so … but we should note that there is still another twist here. Nolan did find her burner phone, which makes it abundantly clear that there was something more at play. He now may have some more questions to ask of his wife — what did she really do?
As we move forward, the question now becomes whether or not Bailey is going to face serious repercussions — John may try to move forward with his life with her, but this will nag him in the back of his mind.
Oh, and about Seth…
He claims that his cancer is back, but he found it early and he should be okay. Is he still everything that he seems, or is there still reason to have more questions? This show is toying with us…
Related – Be sure to get some more thoughts on the next The Rookie episode
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