When Calls the Heart season 12 episode 6: A Lucas debate?

When Calls the Heart season 12
Photo: Hallmark Channel

There are a couple of things worth noting already about When Calls the Heart season 12 episode 6 — so where do we start?

Well, it feels like a natural jumping-off point here to note that we are currently set to see another story in a matter of days, though on an unexpected night — Saturday! Rather than go opposite the Super Bowl, we’re going to get the show a little bit early. While we do think that the Hallmark Channel show works okay as natural counter-programming to the big game, we also do recognize the desire to avoid it. Not all series do perform well ratings-wise on Saturdays, but this may be one that pulls it off.

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So if you do want to know more about When Calls the Heart season 12 episode 6, here’s what we can say — the title here is “When Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall,” and the synopsis does a good job setting the stage:

Allie and Oliver discover a threat; Rosemary invites the kids to debate Lucas on the radio; Bill interrogates a suspect with an old friend’s help; Elizabeth fights a cold.

The idea of kids debating Lucas on paper feels like it could be fun, but there is also another fundamental reason why this story is important right now — it gives Chris McNally a chance to mix things up with other characters again! That has been the biggest challenge when it comes to Lucas’ story for the past little while, as there have not been as many clear opportunities for him to be around the Hope Valley crew.

The end of episode 6 will signal the halfway point of this season — by virtue of that, we do anticiapte that certain stories are going to ramp up a little bit when it comes to tension. Go ahead and brace for that right now!

What do you think we are going to see moving into When Calls the Heart season 12 episode 6?

Have any big predictions? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, come back for some other updates.

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