9-1-1: Lone Star series finale: A cryptic Gina Torres tease

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Photo: Fox

The 9-1-1: Lone Star series finale is going to be coming to Fox in just a matter of one week’s time — is a happy ending coming with it?

Of course, it goes without saying that with a show like this, we’d love nothing more than to see all of the characters ride off into the sunset okay. They have all gone through so much since the beginning, and we know that even with this whole meteorite crisis, there is still room for a lot of chaos and danger.

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Of course, at this point it is far too early to know whether or not everyone is going to make it through the final episode okay. Speaking to TV Insider, here is just some of what Gina Torres had to say on the subject of the endgame:

“The goodbye of the 126 is not going to be satisfactory for everybody, but you get to see us at our best.”

Of course, bittersweet elements are the nature of dramatic television, and it is funny in a way that a show that could be so over-the-top at times would then also want to emphasize how realistic the rigors of this job may be. Not everyone gets what they want, and there is certainly a chance that not everyone makes it out of here in one piece. At the very least, we gotta be prepared for this, and we would be kidding ourselves if we were to say that we had no fear at all entering this hour.

Above all else, we’re just sad that the show is ending — especially since it felt like it could have kept it going for several more years.

Related Be sure to get some more news on 9-1-1: Lone Star right now, including what more is ahead

How do you think we are going to see everything play out within the 9-1-1: Lone Star series finale?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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