Paradise series premiere: The shocking twist within Hulu series

Entering the series premiere of Paradise on Hulu, there was a lot of chatter out there about some sort of jaw-dropping twist being at the center of the series. So, what was it? We’ve got the news for you within, but here is your warning: There are major spoilers within!
Still with us? Well, let’s just say that the world of Paradise may have a little bit more in common with The Truman Show or Silo than your typical political thriller…
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As the closing seconds of the series premiere give away, Xavier Collins (Sterling K. Brown) are actually living underground beneath a mountain, a community that was built due to a number of apocalyptic events in the real world. The first three episodes do not give away everything in terms of what happens, but we know that this whole community was mapped out so that it could be as close to a thriving utopia as possible for the people within.
This twist also does significantly inform a lot of other elements of the series. The murder of President Cal Bradford is the mystery at the heart of the series, but with everyone underground and cut off from the outside, the list of suspects is shorter than it would be otherwise. There is also a reason why Agent Collins would be suspected as the killer — he held a great deal of animosity towards the President ever since his wife was unable to be on one of the planes that shuttled everyone to Paradise in the first place.
We learn more in episode 3 that Xavier was chosen in part due to Dr. Gabriela Torabi, who also imparts quite a warning upon him in the closing minutes there. She helped to plan out the entire place, from the green areas to the cheese fries. Meanwhile, billionaire Samantha Redmond helped to put the whole thing together.
Related – Who killed Cal Bradford?
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