Saturday Night Live return date at NBC: The 50th anniversary

During tonight’s new episode of Saturday Night Live, did we get a proper return date for what is next? Make no mistake, we want it — and how could we not?
Luckily, tonight’s episode did give us that, though we can’t quite say that we are too surprised that it is going to be a long wait. The plan now is for the series to be off until Sunday, February 16, which is when we are going to get one of the most-anticipated events in recent history in the 50th anniversary special. There will be a LOT of different cast members past and present, cameos galore, and hopefully a ton of laughs.
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So why are we stuck waiting for this long? The simplest answer that we can hand over at this point is that it is tied in some way to football. The Super Bowl is on February 9 and there is zero reason for SNL to compete with that.
One of the other questions we have is when the next episode is going to come on after the special — it is possible that we get something the following weekend but to us personally, we would not be surprised if the special is the only thing on in February and in the aftermath of that, we are stuck waiting until March. Sure, that would be frustrating, but at the same time, we imagine that the special is going to require a ton of planning and a lot of people are going to exhaust themselves creatively.
Are there any cameos we want to see?
Honestly, just a lot from different eras — think everyone from Tina Fey to Will Ferrell to Eddie Murphy to Kate McKinnon. Also, some longtime hosts like Steve Martin.
Related – Be sure to get some more discussion on tonight’s Saturday Night Live cold open
What do you most want to see on Saturday Night Live when the show returns to the air?
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