Suits LA trailer offers up more Harvey Specter mentions

With the premiere of Suits LA coming next month to NBC, why not celebrate with another big trailer release right now?
If you head over to the link here right now, you can see a much larger look at the long-awaited spin-off, one that does remind us that nostalgia is a rather important selling point here. For starters, you do have that rather-familiar theme song. Beyond just that, though, you also have the mention of Harvey Specter at the end of the preview! We know further that he and Ted Black (Stephen Amell) have a history that dates back to when the latter was in New York — apparently, he is the only person who is cockier than he is.
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As for what else the trailer is looking to showcase, a lot of it is tied simply to what makes this show different from the original. For starters, we seem to have a singular lead character in Ted, which makes this a little bit different from the two-hander we had at times with Mike and Harvey in the original. Meanwhile, Suits LA is going to also be exploring a lot of aspects of entertainment law, which gives it a different perspective than the USA Network show, which of course blew up on Netflix after it arrived there.
While we are firmly excited to see this spin-off, you do still have to wonder if lightning is going to be able to strike twice. The success of the first show was also a perfect storm of timing (during the aftermath of the pandemic), availability, and then also the presence of Meghan Markle in the earlier seasons. A little bit of curiosity goes a long way there.
Related – See more news now about Suits LA and the appearance of Harvey on the show
What are you the most excited to see right now on Suits LA?
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