The Traitors US season 3: Jeremy, Bob the Drag Queen reflect

Coming out of this past episode of The Traitors US season 3, one thing is abundantly clear: We wish we had more of Jeremy and Bob the Drag Queen! Both were really entertaining presences all season long, and it honestly feels right to be sad about the fact that they are both gone.
Now that we’ve said that, we are glad to have a new video where the two of them look back on the games that they played, and also some of what they did, both right and wrong.
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If you head over to the link here, you can see some of what we are talking about here as Jeremy finds out about the Traitors, and the laments further that he knew about Danielle being a Traitor and that was, in so many ways, his undoing. Bob also informed him that he was the one who told Danielle what he said, and she was the impetus behind his final demise since nobody else had a strong feeling in regards to the big coffin twist. Hilariously, Bob also then talked about how his favor went without much of a thank-you, as we saw Danielle be one of the votes to banish him. (She didn’t want to, but he didn’t have the numbers to stay and she wanted to look like she was a part of the group.)
The most delightful thing about the entire watch is how self-aware both of these guys are. Bob realizes that he played the game too hard at times, but he also has a lot of respect for the others who fought hard in there — including Dylan! He’s about as classy a gamer as you are ever going to come across, and we honestly think him and Jeremy are really fun bouncing off of each other.
Related – Who is in the best spot on The Traitors US moving forward?
Are you going to miss Jeremy and Bob the Drag Queen on The Traitors US?
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