Mayfair Witches season 2 episode 4 promo: Is Rowan powerless?

This coming weekend AMC is going to be bringing you Mayfair Witches season 2 episode 4 — so what story stands out?
Well, one of the primary orders of business here with Rowan is her trying to right some of the wrongs that she committed back near the end of episode 3, where her reunion of the entire family went sideways in so many different forms. Now, she wants to try and fix things with her magic, but there is unfortunately a pretty radical problem with that: She doesn’t have the same powers that she once did.
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For a significant chunk of this particular story, a big part of what has made it interesting is the dynamic that has existed between Rowan and Lasher. He has killed members of her family and yet, he is also the source of her power. The promo for what lies ahead shows at least some of the next steps for the character at the hands of the Talamasca, which could end with him being transferred to some sort of unknown destination. He needs to be found, but is that going to be easy? Hardly.
As for what else we see in the promo for what’s ahead, that is pretty simple: A chance for Cortland to do his legitimate best to help. You also get a glimpse of Julien in there, and as we’ve already seen, this is someone who could end up playing a fascinating (if not complex) role in whatever is going to be coming up. Be prepared to see him have a major factor to play in everything before this season comes to a close. We don’t quite think the full picture with him will be clear in this episode.
What do you do most want to see moving into Mayfair Witches season 2 episode 4?
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