The Way Home season 3 episode 4 promo: Is Colton in the future?

Is The Way Home season 3 episode 4 about to throw yet another wrinkle into the complicated world of time-travel? Well, let’s just go ahead and say this: All of a sudden, there are questions about whether or not Colton could leap forward just as much as we could jump back.
Here is what we can say on all of this at the moment — if you head over to the link here, you can see a preview for what lies ahead next week, one that seems to strongly indicate that such a thing could be possible. Is Jacob actually seeing a younger version of his dad? It feels impossible and yet, few things with this show really are.
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Now if Colton could move into the future, the question of course then becomes what he could end up doing there — and what his end goal may be.
So what else is coming in this episode?
The promo certainly makes it seem as though Colton is about to make some sort of big confession to Alice in the past — is it about the pond? Meanwhile, you see the younger version of Del saying goodbye to him, even though we know that this story is not over.
Everything that we are seeing The Way Home do right now is time travel is pretty high-level, and we certainly recognize that there are some out there who may feel like it is almost too topsy-turvy. Yet, a big part of what makes this show so fun is that you know the producers have thought of some sort of plan. We thought once Jacob was back it would be a little bit easier to follow … but we’re not exactly sure that is the case at this particular point.
Related – Learn more about The Way Home season 3 episode 3, including what is happening with Fern
What do you think we are going to see moving into The Way Home season 3 episode 4?
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