Found season 2 episode 9: How is Sir staying hidden?

After a long break Found season 2 episode 9 returned to NBC tonight to tell another story full of some signature twists and turns. Yet, at the same time also some surprises!
For a prime example of that, consider what we ended up learning here when it comes to Sir’s whereabouts — or rather, how he is able to be so unpredictable. Isn’t it a little bit easier when he is moving about in an RV? It makes him a lot harder to pin down and for him, also a lot easier to pursue more of his own goals in regards to Gabi.
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One of the things that the show needs to do more within the next part of the season is focus in more on what his own endgame is at this point — is it really as simple as to be in the proximity of Shanola Hampton’s character? You can argue that, but you could also say that somehow, the character is still useful to her despite however bizarre and unusual that may ultimately seen.
If there is one particular challenge that the series may arguably be facing at this point, it is simply as follows: Trying to find a way in order to ensure that Sir is always going to be a step ahead of almost anyone else who is trying to capture him, while also still being in a place where he can challenge some others. We did see a small glimpse of that at the end of this episode, and we do tend to think that his antics are going to escalate on a wider scale before we get to the end of the season.
Related – Be sure to learn more news on Found right now, including what else is set to be coming
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