The Way Home season 3 episode 3: Kat’s uncertain future

We are two episodes into The Way Home season 3 now and at this point, the hunt for answers is still front and center.
For Kat, we certainly do think there are a number of different things worth discussing. Take, for starters, the fact that Alice clearly spends some time in the 1970’s — what does the pond want with her there? You also have to wonder here why Del has not discussed everything at length regarding Evelyn and her role in turning up in town in the first place. These secrets may not be held for a malicious reason — it is just all complicated! This is, after all, a rather complex show about people who are almost constantly trying to tackle some emotional issues in their past and present.
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Speaking to Variety, co-showrunner Alex Clarke noted what a big part of the story coming up is really about:
“We have these three women, and we always apply past, present and future thematically to them. This season is about Del questioning her past. Alice is questioning her future and what that looks like, and Kat is questioning her present … She’s such a doer. She’s very much like Del, and last season was about completing the mission and getting Jacob home. To a certain extent, it was also about giving Susanna what’s owed to her. At the top of this season, those missions are done. Jacob is home. The book is published under Susanna’s name. She’s done all of the things, so she’s questioning who she is now and where she fits.”
Because of all of this, can you assume that we are going to be seeing Kat perhaps making a mountain out of a molehill with the past story? Maybe, but we don’t see it that way … especially when you consider everything that has already been found out about Colton. We are just scratching the surface of something more.
Related – Be sure to learn more about what else is ahead on The Way Home
What do you think we will see from Kat moving into The Way Home season 3 episode 3 and beyond?
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