Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 1/12?

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Of course, we’d love nothing more than to see the show back and soon. Is that about to happen?
Well, this is where we do have to share some of the bad news … unfortunate as it may be. After all, there is no new episode tonight, meaning that the already-ongoing hiatus is going to be continuing for at least a little while longer.
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So just how long are we talking insofar as a wait goes? Well, let’s just say this: The plan right now is to bring the late-night show back at some point in February. We tend to think that there’s a chance some more details are going to be revealed about a date in the next week or two … or at the very least, that makes the most sense so that HBO can get a real promotional strategy underway.
As for how the show is going to actually function this coming season, that is another thing that we have to wonder for at least the next little while. Given the current political climate, we are honestly not altogether sure what the appetite is going to be for stories on that subject, especially when for so many of them the viewpoints are pretty obvious.
We have said time and time again over the years that what we like the most about this show is when they venture into some subjects that are a little bit off the beaten path — and you better believe that we are hoping that they do so once more here! Just think about all of the different stuff that they could talk about when it comes to under-the-radar policies or beyond that, what is happening all over the world.
What do you most want to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when the show does return?
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