Silo season 2 episode 10 (finale) spoilers: ‘Into the Fire’

Next week on Apple TV+, the epic Silo season 2 finale is going to be here — are you ready for all that entails?
Obviously, we are coming into the final episode of this season with enormous expectations that there are going to be some loose ends tied up — but also, perhaps, some new questions raised. One of the biggest ones right now is what Lukas Kyle is going to do regarding the Safeguard, especially since he does have some element of knowledge about what it is already. This makes us somehow both curious and nervous at the same exact time.
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Below, you can check out the full Silo season 2 episode 10 synopsis now with further insight all about what more is coming:
The rebels make their move — and so does Juliette.
What is Juliette going to do?
Well, she is in what we would describe as a rather curious spot right now, given that she has already done a lot to restore some element of peace in Silo 17 between Solo and the other inhabitants. If she could stop the water problem fully, is there a chance that she could just stay there and live in peace / harmony? In theory sure, but we don’t exactly think that this is the sort of story that the series is actively looking to tell. Instead, we are a little more invested in the idea that she is still going to stop at nothing to make her way back to her former home.
Is Juliette going to take anyone along with her? Let’s just say that for now, the biggest thing we’re hoping for here is an opportunity to see her knocking on that Silo door, especially if Solo or someone else is coming in tow.
Related – See some more discussion about Silo season 3!
What do you most want to see moving into Silo season 2 episode 10?
How do you think the events of the finale are going to play out? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, come back — so many more updates are on the way.