Power Book IV: Force season 3 premiere date: News this winter?

Is there finally an opportunity for us to get news on a Power Book IV: Force season 3 premiere date this winter? Make no mistake that we want it. As for whether we’ll get it soon … well, that is a completely different story.
We know that multiple people have been asking star Joseph Sikora for some time as to when we will be able to see the show back. His reply has been pretty consistent: It is really up to Starz to get the news out there. Filming has been done for a long time and in the end, the cast and crew do not really get any say on what lies ahead from here. That’s up more to executives to try and figure out.
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Now this is where the unfortunate news comes into play — while there is a slight chance that a Power Book IV: Force premiere date gets announced this winter, we are looking more towards later this month as opposed to anything in the near future. Odds are, Starz is going to air the next season of Power Book III: Raising Kanan first — or at least this is the indication that we’ve gotten.
If there is no announcement this winter, do not take this as a slight when it comes to Force in particular. While season 3 is the final chapter of this portion of Tommy Egan’s life, there is still a chance for something more. The end of Power Book II: Ghost recently can be viewed as some sort of tie-in to Tariq and Tommy getting back in each other’s orbit again. That is, of course, assuming that Tommy was on the other line of that phone call, and that is not guaranteed.
For the time being, let’s just hope that more Force comes your way by the late spring or early summer. We’ll be crossing our fingers…
When do you think we are going to see Power Book IV: Force season 3 premiere on Starz at this point?
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