Landman season 2: Another star is eager for renewal

Is a Landman season 2 going to be announced at Paramount+ in the near future? Even though nothing may be official yet, it also feels to a certain extent like a foregone conclusion.
After all, how can it not be at this point? Not only has it proven to be a commercial success, but it also feels like it is accumulating more and more viewers on a weekly basis. Yet, in the midst of all of that, we’re not going to pretend that it is anything other than polarizing, especially when it comes to the stories outside of Tommy (Billy Bob Thornton) at the oil field. This brings us to Michelle Randolph, who plays the part of Tommy’s daughter Ainsley.
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Randolph’s character has by far been the most controversial on the show this season, largely due to how uncomfortable some of the scenes are of her around some of the older characters on the show. She herself is very-much aware of the memes that have come out of that conversation Ainsley had with her father in the premiere at the football field.
Speaking to The Wrap, here is what the actress had to say about filming that particular scene, and if she knew how much attention it has received:
“How could you not? I knew. You knew. I just thought to myself, ‘How am I going to say this with a straight face, looking into Billy’s eyes?’ I was Ainsley in that moment. I was not Michelle. And as Michelle, I will never be saying that to my father. Let’s be clear.”
Despite the reaction to the scene, Randolph is still eager for a season 2, especially playing a character “who has so much room for growth. I’m excited to see who she becomes as a person, because she is young and there’s a lot for her to evolve.”
Related – Learn more about what could be coming on this weekend’s Landman episode
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