Before season 1 episode 8: Did Eli kill his wife?

Before season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

We know that entering Before season 1 episode 8 on Apple TV+ this week, there was a hope that the picture would become clearer. After all, did Eli actually kill his wife Lynn?

In the closing minutes, we had a jaw-dropper that came courtesy of Billy Crystal’s character making this surprise confession. This is something that we certainly did not see coming at this particular point … even if there have been theories out there suggesting this could be the case for a while. As a matter of fact, we tend to think that one of the most commonplace explanations to Eli’s psychosis could be that he killed Lynn and everything he is seeing and expressing is a result of his guilt.

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However, at this particular point in the show’s run, we are not actually sure that anything here is all that simple. After all, there has yet to be any reason given on the show as to why Eli would want Lynn dead; instead, he may just be so confused and jumbled that he thinks he killed his wife when in reality, he did nothing of the sort. It may be that he feels responsible, even though he is not.

Of course, a good bit of all this would be clearer if we actually had an answer to what Eli actually saw in the farmhouse. Sure, he went into it this week after discovering that it was still present. Yet, at the end of the day, going in there seemed to trigger whatever was going on with him to the max. One way or another, this is the clear focus point of a lot of his internalized pain.

Related Be sure to get some more discussion now on Before, including what else is poised to be coming

What did you think about the overall events of Before season 1 episode 8?

What do you think really happened when it comes to Eli and his wife? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and also come back for other updates.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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