Chicago Med season 10 episode 9: Steven Weber on Dean’s future

The unfortunate truth is that Chicago Med season 10 episode 9 is not poised to air on NBC until January; yet, there is plenty to discuss along the way!
What is a big thing? Well, to us, it is as simple as just trying to learn more about a pair of characters’ futures within the world of the show. Based on the events of the fall finale, Goodwin could easily by killed off by Cassidy, who blames her for what happened to someone she loved. Meanwhile, Dean Archer seemed ready to exit amidst all the turmoil surrounding him and Dr. Lenox.
Of course, Steven Weber is not going to come out and openly spoil his character’s fate at this point. Yet, we do think that his comments to NBC Insider are pretty darn interesting, all things considered:
“I think they [Archer and Lenox] both have histories of disappointment, of frustration, even some trauma… He was really unlikable… the interesting thing about Archer is that he’s had time to evolve; he still can be kind of prick-ish and, you know, uptight.
“Lenox is a challenge because maybe she reminds Archer of himself, and he doesn’t like it … So that’s paradoxical too. She triggers him because she reminds him of himself. But Archer is not [that person] anymore. So he’s got to find a way to figure out how to work with [Lenox].”
Based on some of what is said here, it certainly feels like Archer could be staying put and honestly, seeing him and Lenox work together is a much better story than the character just leaving. Will they ever be the best of friends? It’s hard to see that and yet, it does feel like there is some room still for growth.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Chicago Med, including our take on the most recent promo
What do you think we are going to be seeing for Archer moving into the next part of Chicago Med season 10?
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