FROM season 3 episode 8 promo: Justice for Tillie?

This weekend MGM+ is poised to bring FROM season 3 episode 8 your way — so what can you expect to see play out from here?
Well, for starters, it should not be a surprise at all that one of the central themes moving forward is the search for answers. After all, Tillie is dead — how soon is the entire community going to know the truth, and will they? We know that Fatima killed her and yet, she was clearly not herself when it happened.
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Based on the promo for what is coming up, it is Donna herself that indicates to Boyd that people are going to want some sort of justice for what happened — they can’t just blame this on the monsters. Donna knows how precarious a position everyone is in at this point, where it is possible that you could see them all snap at any given moment. This sort of death will sink morale further.
Now if you are one of Fatima’s loved ones, this is also a situation that could spiral depending on what you know or not know about the situation. Can you help someone who does not really know what is going on for themselves?
As for what else is ahead…
Well, we know that Ethan often does discuss things within the context of a quest, and that could be a big part of what he and Julie are going to be doing this time around. We know that Julie wants answers, and understandably so, for what has transpired with her; yet, is she biting off more than she can chew? She is still a young person in a highly dangerous/uncertain environment. How can you feel good about anything that is around you?
Related – Be sure to get some more news on FROM now, including some more details about this particular episode
What do you think we are going to see moving into FROM season 3 episode 8 over on MGM+?
How chaotic do you imagine things becoming? Will someone else die? Share right now in the attached comments, and also come back for other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.