Gen V season 2: New teases from end of filming

As we reported days ago, production for Gen V season 2 has officially wrapped up — and by virtue of that, are more teases coming?
Well, the first thing that really should be said here is that we all need to take a deep breath and exercise at least a little bit of patience. After all, it is going to be a while! There is no real evidence that we will see the superhero spin-off back until the least the summer, thanks largely to the lengthy post-production time required on a show like this.
For now, let’s just celebrate the fact that we have a few new behind-the-scenes pictures that set the stage for some of what you can expect. If you head over to the official Gen V Twitter, you can see what we’re talking about — complete with some fun candid images of multiple cast members.
As for what the story will be, we are sure that there is going to be a lot of comedy, action, and satire — but also a sense of sadness that we have not really experienced within the greater The Boys franchise so far. The death of Chance Perdomo transpired shortly before the start of production, leading to a delay so that some scripts could be reworked. His loss was so sudden and tragic, and we know that it will be extremely hard to say goodbye to his character of Andre as a result. It has already been confirmed that his character will not be recast; with that, we imagine that he will be killed off fairly early.
At the start of season 2, we anticipate that Marie, Jordan, and Emma will still be locked in that mysterious facility. Somehow, they will get out, right? We do tend to think they will need to go back to school at some point…
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Gen V now, including the latest casting news
What are you the most excited to see moving into Gen V season 2 over on Prime Video?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! There are going to be more updates on the way, so come back — you don’t want to miss anything.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.