Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is Cam suddenly a target?

If there was ever a prime example that Big Brother 26 has no sense of chill whatsoever, we think that we’ve got it now. After all, the Power of Veto Competition is over and somehow, Makensy and Chelsie are making this week far more complicated than it needs to be.
Why? Well, in what is a rare idea for a show like this, they actually seem to think that Cam is too terrible a competitor for his own good, and it is starting to make them suspicious.
A part of the problem here is Cam himself, as he admitted openly to taking a break during the BB Comics Veto earlier that Makensy won. It makes them think that he’s either coasting, or he is intentionally holding back and letting Makensy and Chelsie do all the dirty work. Couple this with improving his relationship with Rubina and Kimo, and the fear is rising that he’s going to rise from the ashes, win a comp, and take one of them out. It’s actually not the craziest idea possible, given that we have thought for a while Cam would 100% cut Chelsie at final three. Makensy has talked about putting him up and if she does that, she’d have a chance to take him out.
Yet, here’s where the idea gets a little bit nutty — even if Cam might cut you, 100% you know that Kimo or Rubina will take each other. Given that a lot of the endgame competitions aren’t super-physical other than the first part of the final three endurance, they could win one of them. We do think the better move for now is probably to keep Cam and split up the duo but hey, we’re all for the entertainment and chaos.
For the record, we do think it’s possible that Cam still ends up being fine, and Chelsie and Makensy are just mad about Cam’s comp performance.
What do you think about Cam being a target in Big Brother 26 all of a sudden?
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