Big Brother 26: Where is Julie Chen Moonves tonight?

Where is Julie Chen Moonves tonight on Big Brother 26? We certainly understand if you are tuning in and wondering about that. The show host and executive producer is MIA, and being replaced by Jerry O’Connell (a noted fan of the show) for the live eviction.
If you missed the news earlier today or are watching the show half into it, there is a pretty reasonable explanation for the absence: Julie tested positive for covid, which makes this the first time that she has ever missed one of these shows in the entirety of her run. That is pretty shocking when you consider that is more than two-plus decades on the job.
As we noted earlier, hosting Big Brother is definitely one of those jobs where it is so much easier said than done for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, consider the fact that tonight marks the start of jury and by virtue of that, you have to be really secretive and on-script about what the players do or do not know. You also have to keep everything moving at a fairly steady pace.
Of course, we’re mostly curious to see how this throws some of the players for a loop. Take, for example, whether or not they will compliment Chris on his appearance! Or, how awkward the interview with the evicted houseguest is going to be!
As for choosing O’Connell in general, here’s a reminder that this is a really easy in-house hire for CBS given his job on The Talk — go ahead and consider this cross-promotion for shows that they already have on the roster. Also, Julie herself used to be a former member of that panel.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother right now, including the latest live-feed updates
What did you expect to see entering tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode?
Does it feel weird even watching it without Julie around as the host? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates on the way.