Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Who won HoH, week 7?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Tonight marked yet another Head of Household Competition within the Big Brother 26 game — so who mustered a win this go-around?

Well, the first thing to remember at this point is that almost everything in the game may be changing moving forward with Tucker out. He was a fantastic presence but when you play the way that he did, you are only going to be able to keep yourself safe for so long. You can argue that his exit was inevitable, but you have to also give a ton of credit to Makensy, who has killed it over the course of the past couple of AI Arenas.

Of course, anything can change in the game moving forward, and the numbers in the house are about to become a lot more fluid. Our thinking is that the voting blocks to take Tucker out won’t matter too much moving forward. The big takeaway is that T’kor and Kimo should not trust Chelsie anymore. Also, Quinn is clearly playing his own game separate from everyone. Chelsie / Cam and T’kor / Kimo are the strongest duos left at this point.

It took a long time for the new Head of Household to be revealed in the game and when it was, we learned that Quinn has the power. He had the Deep Fake HoH previously, but this is the first time that he’s had the full title including the room. He is someone who could be a target now that Tucker is gone, but what he does here should be interesting. Will he turn on T’kor and Kimo completely? Or, will he continue to stay on the side of Chelsie? There are a lot of unknowns, beyond of course the fact that he is almost certainly going to put up Angela.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26, including other insight on the basis of tonight’s episode

Who did you want to see when Head of Household next on Big Brother 26?

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