Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Joseph’s mess; T’kor ‘secrets’

We’ve reached the start of day 44 in the Big Brother 26 house, and really, it feels like most plans for the eviction this week are settled. Or, are they? Well, these are chaotic people who can overthink everything! It feels right now like Angela will likely go at this point if she is on the block, but don’t rule out 1) people getting antsy if Tucker is available and 2) Makensy destroying her own game at some point.
So, did some events happen overnight that could change things? Not necessarily, but we do have another reminder of why Leah and Makensy are oddly still dangerous despite knowing very little about what is actually going on at present.
Let’s start with Leah, who Joseph blabs to about every single thing on his mind. He is yet another person this season who is crushing on her, and that has caused him to be way too comfortable telling her about throwing challenges and his game in general. Leah needs allies, so we don’t think that she will sell him out on anything he told her last night … unless it benefits her.
Meanwhile, Makensy continues to be about three weeks behind on the game, and her latest obsession is a Ballers alliance that existed when Kenney was there — it’s so distant Tucker forgot all about it! She’s now promising Quinn an eventual cuddle session; is she manipulating him? Maybe, but we also don’t think Quinn needs motivation to get rid of Angela.
As for T’kor…
Last night, she told Rubina a number of things about her life, from her man Jabari actually being in med school to her originally wanting to be a lawyer before things changed at the start of the pandemic. Rubina has opened up somewhat to her as well, and she’s got a pretty emotional backstory involving her mom that explains why she has her guard up and is afraid of being hurt.
Long-term, Rubina may be as valuable an ally to T’kor as Kimo — she certainly does not make her spiral as much.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including some updates from last night
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